
Site of the day: Peep Research

Because librarians take their patron surveys seriously!

Pulled out my copy of Light on Yoga today and went through the first series of poses. Though even some of those are a little too advanced for me right now. Sarvangasana on the first day? I know it's the "mother of all poses," but my body just isn't ready for it. Same with Halasana. So I'm going to progress just a little slower in some respects than Iyengar tells me to.

The ultimate goal, anyway, is to improve my bellydancing and get ready for some of the floorwork moves. Because even though I can do a little more than I thought I would be able to, some of the stuff our teacher is showing us is just beyond my present level. Usually this kind of thing frustrates me--I want to be better right now!--but so far I've been successful in cultivating a different attitude, and just being okay with where I am. Hopefully this means that I will also be more successful in sustaining practice over the long term, too...unfufilled potential being my lifelong nemesis.

We're getting into summer weather here in Florida, which means beastly hot and horridly humid. Even after being here for 2 1/2 years, I'm still not used to it. If you'd told me when I left home that I would miss winter weather, I'd have said you were joking, but my body really seems to need the seasonal cycle. As it is, it looks great outside, but if you try to actually get out and do anything, you're running for air conditioning and ice-cold margaritas within a few minutes. Frustrating!


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