


I. Want. This. Book!!!!

Not a lot to report except for the usual Gryphoemia with the usual round of coworkers/managers, which is why this blog has been quiet of late. I am trying to get myself more organized, so as to actually accomplish some of the things I keep thinking about, but as usual it's a long slow one-step-forward-two-steps-back process. Which leads to predictable ironies like sitting next to a kitchen full of dirty dishes and empty of useful groceries reading Home Comforts. Sigh.

Other than that...let's see....I attended an interesting video day at my bellydance teacher's house, where we watched lots of Turkish/Romany/9/8 performances. Michael and I bought tickets to see the Princess Diana exhibition at the Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art next weekend. Don't know how much Michael will be into it actually, but I guess he's humoring me :) Michael was also nice enough to let me henna his hand with a Moroccan-style design this week. If we get a picture of it we'll post it. Aaahh, my exciting life....

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