
Well, it's been a while. Just when you were starting to think that she'd abandoned the form completely...

I've started a few new things since I last posted here. For one, I've finally started teaching myself to play guitar. There are some good WWW resources for guitarists looking for instruction and other resources. Try Wholenote.com for a whole host of resources for players at any level. There's a lot of multimedia stuff available here, like online tuners and lessons. For tabs and lyrics, try OLGA--The online Guitar Archive

I've also started bellydancing lessons! Yes, Darcy is joining the legions of bellydancing librarians--and if you think that's a strange statement, just check Here to have your mindset readjusted... I'm taking classes with Harmonic Motion, and it's a lot of fun. I'm not anywhere near the performance stage yet, but I'm having some fun, so there you go.