Well, Turca Groove went pretty well all told. Sorry I didn't post an update in a more timely fashion! There is a set-by-set description of the night in my Tribe blog if you'd like to read it. There are photos posted in this album as well. I finished my tribal bra--and my tribal-influenced solo!--in time, and we also managed to have our "zill solo" ready. Strange to dance to no music but us... but I think it worked.
A friend videotaped it for us, though so of course I had to endure the indignity of watching it afterwards. Funny how the mistakes that I thought we had covered up were hugely visible, and the ones that I thought were glaringly obvious were hardly noticed! I also saw quite a few...er...areas for improvement in my dancing. It's always hard to watch yourself and see how you really did, as opposed to how you felt things went. So I was a little less happy with the performance after that.
But, the house was packed with our family and friends and everyone who came said they loved it and had a good time, so I'm trying to forget all the glaring ugly flaws and consider it well done.
I also had my first professional dance photo shoot at the Broward Bellydance Meetup's January meeting, which was a lot of fun. I ended up ordering about 8 of them from the proofs, and I'll be getting digital images with them, so I'll post some of them when I can.
Michael has not had any official word from Abu Dhabi yet, but we think he is going to get offered the job. He's had a couple of unofficial email exchanges with some of the people there, and while they are not coming out and saying directly that he was selected, the inference is clear. There are multiple reasons for the delay...all typical of the culture in that area of the world...so we are settling in to "hurry up and wait" on the issue.
I am performing at the Seminole Hard Rock Casino this weekend...with Diana again. Guesting for my teacher Myriam. It will be great to dance to live music again! We are outside, and I'm assuming we'll be there more for "ambiance" than anything else. Doesn't meand I'm not nervous though! I'm working on a new costume that will hopefully do for some cane dancing, which I haven't been able to do for some time. See a sample photo here .