
What are you worth?

Apparently, I'm worth $1,900,570. No word on whether that's US or Canadian dollars ;)


Trying to gear up for Christmas in Florida...which is kind of surreal. I wish we could be at home, but I didn't have enough vacation time for both the wedding and Christmas so I had to choose. I can never get into the "Christmas Spirit" here...too hot, too many palm trees, no family, etc. So, it will be a quieter and more melancholy holiday than usual.

Michael and I went to see Ansuya perform at Uva Restaurant last weekend, which was a lot of fun. Michael had never seen her dance before...she was amazing, as always. She's going to be teaching workshops on Improv dancing and Indian fusion in January, and I'm thinking I'll go to both of them.

My friend Alina didn't get the gig at the Renaissance Fair, which is a bit of a disappointment. I don't blame her for not wanting to go so low that we were practically not getting paid at all, but it would have been fun if it had worked out. There's a possibility they may pick up the troupe for next year, but of course I won't be around then :(

It does mean, however, that Diana and I can concentrate solely on our January gig at a La Turca, which is good because I have a couple of solos I need to polish up! And a coin bra to coin! And costume pieces to find and...and....the 10th is going to be here before either of us know it!